2013 and beyond
2013 promises to be a lot less mean but still a carbon-free birding competition, even if slightly less exciting than a MEGA x EPIC hybrid.
Saturday, April 30, 2011
More please...
Friday, April 29, 2011
The occidental birder
Day at Home to Catch Up
Today I spent at home and scored in on several year birds and one lifer yard bird...
-Brown Thrasher (46)
-Rose-breasted Grosbeak (47) - female
-Broad-winged Hawk (48/115) - Adult bird soaring at tree top level. This one had been on my radar for MUCH too long. Nice to finally score this for the yard.
-Double-crested Cormorant (49) - 2 Flybys - only the second record for this bird here.
It's nice to finally put some legs on this yard for the year. First sunny day in weeks will do that.
So sorry to bake you, Bread. And look out, Haas, the day's not done - you're next!
Thursday, April 28, 2011
More Yardage - 187
Quite a lot of the usual's have entered the picture as the season has progressed and since I posted last, so I will not bore you all with what's expected. Here, however, are some of the recent highlights:
COLO x 3 - 15 April
VESP - 15 April
BOGU - 18 April
GRYE - 19 April
CATE - 25 April
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
An interesting redpoll
I'd be interested in your comments on this bird.
Also new today was a singing Chipping Sparrow in the yard, I've had a few elsewhere, but they are just starting to trickle in. While watching a Willet on the beach this morning, my adviser (and nearby neighbor) mention Common Loons were calling as they headed over the neighborhood, but missed that one!
Which will win this spring?! My urge to (as typical....) roam across the UP as a one-man mobile bird observatory? Or will Four-Freaking-Plus bucks have me a bit more home this spring? I will say, I am FAR more impressed with my April flock of feeder birds (in regards to abundance and richness.....) then I was last year. Dare I say it..... the year I get Painted Bunting at the Haastage Negotiator's???
Time will tell......
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
The laziest Yard birder ventured forth after waking up at 11am. Good birding out there! In the same FOV I enjoyed 3 male orioles one OROR and two BAOR feeding in a Buckeye tree. It was a PAWA powow today, many many. Glorious looks (right infront of me at 10 feet sometimes) at a YTWA and BAWW. Also had my FOS SCTA, a female, and FOS RBGR. PUMA was nice also amongst others I'm too lazy to type out. 87sp. so far with more to come. This was in my yard yesterday, a good one for my yard.
Sunday, April 24, 2011
New Yardage Potential
Spring Newbies
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Booby Prize

seems more like something for the summer doldrums, but ... was thinking ... (always a bad idea) ... what if at the end of the year we had a prize for the lamest bird NOT seen in 2011?
obviously "lamest" bird has a micro-context (e.g. mallard would be a mega in my yard), so to truly be lame it would have to be a species you've seen before in a previous year ... but, come to think of it, that would be a function of how long (or intensely) you've been birding your yard, and would eliminate Aaron at his new place, and I can think of plenty of lame contenders I've never seen from the yard. So we could just put it up to a vote at the end of the year.
Too soon to tell, but I'm pulling for phoebe in my yard.
Friday, April 22, 2011
slowly but steady....
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Loose change
Emptying my pockets from the last week … pennies and nickels: n rough-winged swallow, house wren … a few quarters: pileated woodpecker (always a good bird in a treeless neighborhood, still can’t turn up a hairy),
purple finch (hit or miss at the feeders in winter but usually a dependable April migrant), orchard oriole … and a nice crisp twenty dollar bill: today a long-awaited first eastern towhee for the yard.
This has been near the top of my list of surprisingly hard to get yard birds - despite the dearth of scrubby cover in the neighborhood, I would have expected this common species to turn up sooner. Same goes for eastern phoebe, which I expect to whiff on this year, having already missed the late winter/early spring window (and they don’t nest around here for some reason, despite plenty of inviting eaves).
The towhee puts the all-time list at 97. Looks like we have a nice final sprint for the century mark underway…
Finally a few to add...
Hermit Thrush - 2 (36)
Golden-crowned Kinglet - 2 (37)
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker - 1 (38)
Field Sparrow - 1 (39)
Still waiting on a few gimmee's yet too. Just gimmee some sun and southerly winds!
Monday, April 18, 2011
Sunday, April 17, 2011
CHSP=#37 and last for the year
Saturday, April 16, 2011
The Usual Suspects
For some reason, every new spring species in the Grand Valley (Black-chinned, Black-throated, Brewer's, Sage, Vesper and sparrows, White-throated Swift, plus 4 more species of swallows!) is pretty much avoiding my yard or to far away in the scope to positively ID ("speck" swallows over the Colorado National Monument). The aerialists will be gimmes in about a month, so until then, I'm going to enjoy the usual cast of characters (LISP, WCSP, AMGO, AMRO, BBMA, SSHA, MODO, etc.) - what Jack Connor called "unexpecting the expected". I did pick up a flock of 19 White-faced Ibis #43 flying over the Colorado River through the scope last Thursday, but it's about time for a big spring push!
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
My last first spring Dendroica??
Good times!
Ice - out
WITU Shall Add #114
Other notables include:
Eastern Phoebe (32) - 4/11 (woke me up signing up a storm just outside my window. 4/12 also.
Ruby-crowned Kinglet (33) - 4/12 (but no Golden-crowned yet...what gives?!)
DAZL, you'll just have to work a little harder to catch me now... Haas, I'm still on your tail! And could it be possible that I could catch Joe, even if just for a short while?
Monday, April 11, 2011
Another nice combination

Spring-like weather finally hits the north coast...
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Bringing the Cheddar
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Having a Falconidae
Prairie Merlin
Mov'n on up with Woodcock
Friday, April 8, 2011
The floodgates are open.
The skies have delivered HERG (something of a piedmont rarity), DCCO, BARS, CHSW, TRES, OSPR, BWHA, and BRTH in the neighbor’s yard to boot.
Who’s gonna knock down Big Rig? (Incidentally, I loved your live album in the 70’s - Kat and I woke some sleepy cruise passengers late one night on the southern ocean rockin out to Do You Feel Like We Do)
Nice combination
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
A Shift of Winds
Tuesday, a day off from work, allowed for a bit more extensive yard survey. The morning held more of the same as the day before, however a change in wind from the south in the pm delivered some additions for the year. TRES, BEKI, DCCO, WTSP, HETH & AMKE arrived along with a spectacular dark morph Western Red-tailed Hawk that circled directly overhead for several minutes. Of course, it was a point at which I neglected to have a camera in hand - DUH!
A BRCR greeted me this morning as I walked out of the house to bird in the rain. And at dusk tonight a pair of GBHE flew over. Stillaround are the territorial MERL and for a couple days there were not one, but two ORJU at the feeders at the same time.
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Multiple NRWS at The Wetlands
Still waiting on spizella and SWSP to show up and the ATSP and FOSP to move on. One more warm front?
Saturday, April 2, 2011
Frustration but There's Hope

Seeing all kinds of birds around the Grand Valley, but not from my damn yard - argh! Is this called the Hoary Redpoll effect? Found a probable MOCH cavity nest in the wash next to the house which was surprisng, so that's a start, plus some Mourning Doves "getting into it" like James Brown says. Couldn't get a visual on what sounded just like an Ash-throated Flycatcher, so there's hope for tomorrow.