Well as we all know, most of the day's newly arrived warblers refuse to sit still (or come into lure) during the first hour or two of sunrise upon their arrival at a stopover. Many of these birds leave the yard before any ID is possible, so I made a concerted effort to photograph as many of the flybys this morning as possible, in hopes of BLBW primarily. Here are my results, and I am banking on Mr. Galick confirming my putative IDs, or offering an ID on the ones I have no clue on. Here we go (new obsession brewing, BTW):
Not sure what to do with this one, but wondering about a dull CMWA?:
Wondering about NOPA here:
Sticking my neck out and saying BBWA (large bill, orangey breast, longish tail), but very low confidence:
Guessing CMWA on this one (next 2 pics same bird):
Obvious CMWA male on this one (2 pics same bird) (the white upperwing patch rules out all but MAWA/CMWA/BLBW/AUWA/GWWA):
No clue:, but short tail and white undertail covs has me wondering TEWA:
No clue: