A steady stream of additional warblers seems to be arriving by the minute- though not many of them are stopping. Two that did were Blackburnian (photo) and Black and White. The former is a life yardbird- #101. Sean, if you're out there, I'd get out in your yard ASAP. We are catching up!
Oh yea, Sean, Curtis asked me to kindly point out that you are now LOSING the warbler war! And ... suck it, Trebek.

And remarkably enough even after running outside as soon as I got Caleb voicemail I went into a yard with literally almost no migrants in it... The only new bird from yesterday was a singing COYE. And that was also the only warbler aside from a flyby sp. I don't know what the weather/condition difference is, but from the sound of it you guys got a really nice hit and I got zilch over here. WETA along the lakefront in Milwaukee yesterday evening. Heading in with the lady for an afternoon of the lakefront. Enjoy the birds guys!