Howdy yard birders, been a while......
I, like most have been wandering the earth enjoying doing field work and spring migration- still going on in the UP, I had Marbled Godwits, Wilson's Warblers & White-crowned Sparrows yesterday (not in the yard.....).
However I did take a rare trip home today, and as I caught up with a friend drinking beer and not driving for a change- we were treated to yard bird 88, and a brand-new all time yard lifer- a Yellow-bellied Flycatcher. Did I mention they are littered along the Lake Superior shoreline the last few days?
So this will be my last post for a while, I head out for the next couple of weeks to my tempory new digs in a black spruce bog in northern Luce County. Funny, I wonder if YB Fly will be my first yard bird for my new place......
I will be keeping a yard list and I will post it seperately to our totals in the sidebar. Dave- you should do the same from your spring field work- that was a hell of a list.
Finally, totally with you all- migration at the Haascienda blew this year; still missing RB Hummingbird and an f-ing Ovenbird! Still have sapsuckers around thou.....