After a couple of Cedar Waxwings today I realized my year and life yardlists were slightly out of synch. After an audit I found a couple of birds that fell though the cracks; the best was a Rose-breasted Grosbeak in May that failed to make the year-list allowing me to tie it up with Big Rig going into the summer smack-down (137).
The only bright spot in this forgettable migration is the cornucopia of missing migrants that will keep poking around the yard this summer an exciting endevor .... my best misses include osprey, kingfisher, indigo bunting, sora, cuckoo, chestnut-sided warbler (just to choose 1), broad-winged hawk, winter wren, hermit thrush, etc, etc, etc, etc anyone else with ridiculous Missing Migrants??
Where to start??!?! Let's see: OSPR, YBCU (still a life yarbdird), GHOW (breeds in earshot of yard!!, refuses to sing), YBSA (still life), YBFL (not automatic I know, but when will I get it), RBNU, WIWR, VEER, GCTH, HETH (totally inexplicable), OCWA, BTBW, CMWA, BBWA, waterthrush sp, MOWA, COYE, WIWA, CAWA, LISP, SWSP, PISI. The fall should score me many of these, esp. if nocturnal monitoring goes well. It will have to in order to make up for such a crap spring...
ReplyDeleteAdded RTHU (138)last night while I was doing some yard work. Kitty, your such a tease, you keep sneaking up behind me to give me a "goose"....
ReplyDeleteI'm still missing some relatively easy ones as well: GHOW, EASO, both cuckoos, BWHA, WIFL, ACFL, OSFL, YTVI, GCTH, OCWA, SWSP to mention a few.