We crAzy
but the poll says differently:
Sociologist's suggest five reasons why birders are so driven by their 'passion'. Look inside your heart and choose which best explains your underlying motivation to “bird”?
I enjoy “sharing knowledge” with others – at my core I’m a teacher, teacher, teacher. | 2 (16%) |
Identifying birds is both “intellectual” and “challenging” - it tickles my brain. | 3 (25%) |
It satisfies my need for “systemizing” the planet– Oh See Dee, I loooove keeping records. | 2 (16%) |
I hate to admit it but I like “gaining status”– Whoa nice find, now kiss the ring. | 1 (8%) |
“Male hunting instinct” – Me like pretty bird….need me say more? | 4 (33%) |
damn, I was so out of my head after that Tropical Kingbird, I didn't even realize that Kaplan was taking pictures of me!
ReplyDelete.....or that I had shaved recently......
well it was hard to choose why I bird- but I few do stand out over the others. I do love a good challenge, and working through tough bird ID is always a blast (until you become burnt-out on gulls- used to love'em, now they bore me to tears.....).
ReplyDeleteAnd also, I thought really hard about the teaching aspect- I find sharing knowledge and helping people connect with such a vibrant and visceral slice of the natural world to be very rewarding.
But in the end, I think about my most favorite birding experiences: surrounded by neotrops of ever flavor, color all singing away on a foggy May morning, creeping down some tangled canyon only to lay eyes upon a trogon, scoping a melting spring marsh just full of ducks dressed in their finery, or just in the middle of f-ing nowhere when a gorgeous male Mountain Bluebird tee's up on the sage in front of me...... well, I guess thats why I bird.
RAZL, looking at your banner pic I was wondering if this is your brother??
ReplyDeleteNice, sounds like Haas might be your brother....I'll swab him next time I see him....
ReplyDeleteI had a hard time with this quiz. I bird for every reason on there except the records keeping thing. I mean, I keep records, but its only as a tool and only because I feel I should. But I'm also a lover of the beauty of nature, the sheer amazement factor. I guess thats related to the "tickles my brain" thing, but its different. I know, its not very scientific of systematic of me to cry when I see an Ivory Gull, or laugh when i watch sandpipers, but its a real reason that I go birding. It rules.