Michelle and I bought a house last year in Cleveland Heights, and moved in at the end of spring migration. The selling point was a wide sunroom with five windows overlooking a small bit of lawn and then our fraction of a larger woods. The woods are surprisingly large given how suburban the location is, but it is a ravine with a small stream that runs year round, and thus it could not be developed. Yard is in yellow:

As you can see below, we are by the best woodlot for a few square miles. It was big enough to host a Wood Thrush and a Great Crested Flycatcher this summer. To the northeast is a golf course that is up for sale, and will either be developed or turned into a park; I am not optimistic (rumors are that it will become a damn Super WalMart!).

The summer view:
A friend bands birds a few miles south of here, and I think they end up in my yard occasionally. I don't know what species of bird this is (a canary?), but it has lovely jewelry.

I set up a water feature last year which was only marginally successful (Swainson's Thrush, Bay-breasted Warbler, in addition to the normal yard birds). I'll be looking to redesign it this year.