2013 and beyond

It's pretty simple: the most birds seen or heard from one's yard during 2013 will be the "winner". Want in? O.k....then do it despite that.

2013 promises to be a lot less mean but still a carbon-free birding competition, even if slightly less exciting than a MEGA x EPIC hybrid.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

2nd Place 4 Duck Boy

EUST - 15
BLJA - 16
Look out, I'm on a roll! :)


  1. I can't change the numbers on the side from my iTouch

  2. Yeah I picked up HOFI after work today too Slager.

  3. Dave- you'll be proud to know that in my IBA talk at Brigham Audubon this evening I plugged eBird something fierce, and dare say you will see at least 10-20 new participants as a result. Over the next 3-4 months I bet I will encourage hundreds of new users...

  4. He's been entering sightings for Walworth Cty, WI since he got confused from my shared checklist from Oct called "My Home" so he's number 3 in Walworth Cty for 2010...
    Way to plug eBird Caleb, MI seems like a blackhole of almost no participants compared to the neighboring states.
    Dave, I'm at 36 complete checklists thus far, how are you doing?

  5. You guys are really hurting my feelings. I honestly don't bird kent Co. very often, so the only regular material you'll see will be from my yard! And so who are the top 10 or so eBirders from Kent Co?

    Also- I predict there will be hundreds more eBirders in Michigan joining on over the next 6-12 months. Most still don't know about it, but that is going to change...

  6. Guilty. Pathetic. And unfortunately, other than increasing my reporting from my yard and Howard Christensen Nature Center (the only Kent Co site I bird fairly regularly), and the OCCASIONAL kayak on a local lake/river, it is unlikely to change. Here's why: in the limited amount of birding time I have, I am much more likely to do the wastewater and Coopersville dump for Slaty-backed Gull.

    You CHUMPS, who were poor as dirt and without a reliable car when you lived here (and who were much more likely to county list) spent an inordinate amount of time locally.

    I have one other comment. I am a huge fan of getting some kind of smartphone app where you can enter data realtime, using voice recognition (ie. just shout out: 10 Rock Pigeons, and it tabulates the GPS coordinates and date/time and automatically sends it to eBird via the cell tower). Once this happens and it affordable, eBird's data reporting will skyrocket.


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