Swamp Kat here. I live in a 640 sq. foot "cottage" on the mend in Escanaba, Michigan (that's in the Upper Peninsula). The mullet lot (lawn in the front - buckthorn/alder jungle in the back) is an impressive 50' X 146' . The idyllic scene is made slightly more interesting by the fact the property is perched upon the almost world famous Portage Marsh -- home of Michigan's only nesting Little Gulls just 34 short years ago. While the marsh is connected to Lake Michigan I cannot see open water from my yard - just a Serengeti of cattails. Since I have only stalked these parts since July I don't have an all time yard list so really looking forward to your encouragement to get me off on the right foot and to help me identify some of the less familiar marsh birds (they are such good hiders). I know some of the more petty and combative among you are nervous but don't worry I am a humble and graceful winner.
My yard year list stands at 20. Notables; Red-bellied Woodpecker, Ring-necked Pheasant, Fox Sparrow.
My rest-of-the Winter "wish-list"; Northern Shrike, Bohemian Waxwing, Glaucous Gull. If not for these birds I could sleep until Punxsutawney Phil says it's safe to come out of my den.
Enjoy those cute widdle kinglets....Krazy with a ker-ke-do.
Nice pad. Reminds me of the tiny cottage I used to live at in Waverly Hall, GA. It was roach city but at least I had yard warbies during the winter months.
ReplyDeleteDo you seriously sell fireworks? Thats crazy.
ReplyDeleteman, that's the most legit thing he sells!
ReplyDeleteHa! This guy IS fireworks! Welcome to the game, Kapgun!