So I was walking to my car this morning and some loud-mouth was singing down by the creek. I had to stop and listen and sure enough, a Northern Waterthrush was singing repeatedly from near the creek. What the heck? Its a creek, I should be getting a yard lifer Louisiana Waterthrush, I tried so hard for that bird with no luck. Then I just walk to the car and get what should be the harder one for this spot. Silly birds. BAORs and YWARS wake me up in the morning. Maybe I'll get to actually bird the yard sometime soon. Work has been fun, getting paid to find birds and show birds to the public is sweet. But today I had to talk to 100 kindergarteners about mammals. The forest at work has been hopping with warblers. I wish my yard was more like that. Have had 70 species of birds for the park in the past two days. Oh and after work last night I drove up and enjoyed a state lifer near Cleveland, PUGA! Heres the pic I got of him. Another showed up near to this one. My yard is next? Please?
This is an interesting race you and Fitzpunk are engaged in here.