Yes, until today's brief look at a Barn Swallow b-lining it north, I had not ever recorded any swallow species in the yard...not even Tree Swallow yet! Here's to hoping I can tick that one off my yard nemesis list too.
In general the yard was DEAD. The best 2 birds were a Hermit Thrush and a Golden-crowned Kinglet. No sapsuckers, white-throats, juncos, phoebes, ruby-crowns.... According to tonight's radar it looks like that may change soon:

Yeah, noticed that last night, and even sat outside for 1/2 hour around 11:00 without hearing much. I did have 1 gull and at least 1 seep note, but it seemed slow and I couldnt' stay awake so I went inside. Not sure when my first nocturnally-scored yard lifer will happen, but hopefully soon...