0530 dead calm, perfect. During a very narrow window of opportunity I eeked out a distant woodcock (2 peents and 2 partial descending flight displays) followed by an Asio owl hunting Portage's cattails margins against an eastern sky. Both were short but memorable. I did not hear the woodcock until 0642 and was getting concerned with the growing symphony of truck traffic (was that you Big Rig?), winnowing snipe, and sparrows. I thought I might have to take more drastic measures to secure this shorebird for the yard.
Walking back to the house after sunrise I realized my yard now resembles a feed lot. The cacophony of blackbirds and tree sparrows brought on a feeling of embarrassment. Regrettably, during this time of year my life has but one narrow singular purpose and it isn't paying taxes.
When I was about 16 my dad said to me "the only reason I let you watch birds is because it is better than drugs".... a few months back Chris (bless her heart) asked him "do you still think that way?" to which, after a moment of ponder, he replied "at least with drugs he would have been done by now".
I've been playing Woodcock and Snipe tapes from every corner of my yard every day for a week and a half, at dusk. I have had zero luck, and am starting to doubt I'll be able to get either. Also, still no sapsucker (despite tapes every morning for a week). Still waiting on HETH too, and am starting to think about PIWA.
ReplyDeleteKaps, you have one heck of a yard!
people just do not realize the dangers that birding brings! Just one hit of a Northern Parula- BAM! another life ruined. Shit, I haven't been able to hold down a job since 2001 due to my birding addiction, and Harry would be a bum in the alley if his mum didn't take care of him. Some good-looking Kats get taken in by a kind-hearted woman, but eventually they dump him when they catch him free-basing godwits behind the shed.
ReplyDeleteBTW, awesome post Kaps, as usual...