2013 and beyond

It's pretty simple: the most birds seen or heard from one's yard during 2013 will be the "winner". Want in? O.k....then do it despite that.

2013 promises to be a lot less mean but still a carbon-free birding competition, even if slightly less exciting than a MEGA x EPIC hybrid.

Friday, April 30, 2010

not a cougar, but a...

PUMA (129/78). Just a friendly reminder: say goodbye to the leads Sean and Skye.


  1. 15 minutes on the back porch after work net me 1 PUMA, 2 CLSW, 1 TRES, 8 BARS, and 4 CHSW. Not so fast Putnut, you're all tied up!

  2. After updating the actual spreadsheet, I'm actually up one on you Putnam. Must not have added the YWAR in on the sidebar.

  3. Ixnay on the Hombre, Fitzyboy, the first RTHU of the season, a spanking adult male just hit the feeders! (80)

  4. And now 3+ SWTH (81) migrating overhead prior to the thunderstorm between 11:00PM and 11:50PM.

  5. I also had a few downslurred seeps before 12:30AM which may turn out to be SAVS, and other unIDed seeps which had GRSP potential. Analysis will take place later tonight, as Curtis and I are headed to the Galien to survey for YTWA and CERW. You can run, Fitzy, but you cannot hide.


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