Boner, not Booner this time. Seriously, in the early morning fog just now, while trying (again, unsuccessfully) for Sapsucker, I looked up to see a gull flying over at low altitude, and shockingly, it had a black head and white triangles. Score another life yardbird (BOGU) for Putzville (58/123). Added CHSP yesterday but am still waiting on quite a few expecteds like TRES, HETH, WTSP, etc.
Also interestingly, I had my first ever "yard boundary"FISP (ie. I've had them many times singing outside my property, but never within it; this one came silently into the brushpile):

And these guys have become regular now, despite being a life yardbird just a week ago.
It is definitely a sign of the times that no one but Dave is impressed/surprised by BOGU in my RBGU/HERG only yard! Me getting that bird is probably tantamount to Kaplan scoring Western Grebe or Brigham getting Little Gull...