So, the focus of my life for many days now has been to figure out how to get Rusty Blackbird for my LIFE yardlist, let alone year list. I have plenty of RWBL, COGR, and BHCO flying over and even roosting in large #s with the local EUST 1/3 mile NW of the yard at dusk before they head to roost. Problem is, none of them ever land close enough for me to do anything with them. If I get a perfect flyby, esp. one involving song or call, I should be OK, but that seems not to be happening (I suspect the floodplain forest 1/4 mile to my east is 'leaching' them all away from me all day). Anyway, as I went through last night's recording during the predawn and dawn hour, I just found this from 7:47:56AM, a time when I was awake and eating breakfast with my daughter:

If that doesn't register, have a listen to the recording
Looks like I need to get my butt outside at daybreak a bit more often... Argh.
Tried at daybreak today and had at least one probable RUBL fly over at 7:40AM (at least as as RWBL, ie. not BHCO) with longer tail and pointier wingtip. But it only gave call, no song, and the calls on the recording are not conclusive, so I am not counting it. Also GBHE today, and TUVU 2 days ago.
ReplyDeleteyup- by going through the superseep 'hits'. I sifted through probably 600 AMRO calls before I hit this single RUBL song. Tried again this morning and had not a single good blackbird flock go over the house between the 'hot window' of 7:40AM - 8:10AM. May be related to the 19 degree temp?