The next year bird came in the form of a pair of silent Eastern Bluebirds cruising over in the midst of a fairly sizable number of robins and blackbirds that were moving over all morning. Caleb also witnessed a bluebird going over this morning that was too high to be local so they are still moving through... The other two birds aren't nearly as good; finally nailed down a lone Rock Pig going over (it took me four months in suburbia to finally get this!?) and a Brown Creeper was also fairly expected given the date and the large willows and cottonwoods around. The BEKI was yardbird 80, consider yourself warned Slager!
Also saw two Rusty Blackbirds (one in full song that allowed very close approach) and the DCCO's overnight became an expected species (2 today, more tomorrow I'm sure). Also, I'm glad my wife's point and shoot isn't a cheap quality camera. It's definitely harder to digiscope with than my coolpix 4500, but it's totally doable.
Well after you get back from DubI. Luckily, my field work comes in short bursts so I can hit up the Wastelands on a fairly consistent basis. You, my friend, are SOL on that front.
ReplyDeleteWe all better start looking for rarities to show Sean saw a Pig fly! BTW, where are Rock Pigs native? Desert SW? Maybe they associate with large rock piles like Rock Wrens, using their snouts to roll boulders in search of roots buried beneath.
ReplyDeleteYo Duck Boy- stick with the direct insults- no need for complicated tomfoolery here.