It's pretty simple: the most birds seen or heard from one's yard during 2013 will be the "winner". Want in? O.k....then do it despite that.
2013 promises to be a lot less mean but still a carbon-free birding competition, even if slightly less exciting than a MEGA x EPIC hybrid.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
A little non yard birding from yesterday
Well, at least 4 yardbirders were out of commission yesterday, as we were kayaking the Muskegon SGA and generally making idiots of ourselves. Here are some photos from a memorable outing which included Curtis's life (and self-found, I might add) LEOW.
Location: Muskegon SGA (Big Cedar Creek) Observation date: 3/22/10 Notes: 1 white-winged gull seen (tallied as part of 'gull sp'). Rick Brigham, Curtis Dykstra, and Dave Slager. Paddled by kayak from River Rd bridge to US-31 (Creston Rd) takeout. Number of species: 42
Canada Goose 15 Mute Swan 1 Wood Duck 25 Mallard 13 Common Goldeneye 2 Hooded Merganser 21 Wild Turkey 4 Turkey Vulture 4 Bald Eagle 5 Red-shouldered Hawk 1 Red-tailed Hawk 6 Rough-legged Hawk 2 Sandhill Crane 10 Ring-billed Gull 8 gull sp. 7 Rock Pigeon 11 Mourning Dove 3 Long-eared Owl 1 Red-bellied Woodpecker 15 Downy Woodpecker 7 Hairy Woodpecker 3 Northern Flicker 3 Pileated Woodpecker 5 Blue Jay 11 American Crow 6 Black-capped Chickadee 16 Tufted Titmouse 15 White-breasted Nuthatch 11 Brown Creeper 6 Winter Wren 1 Golden-crowned Kinglet 2 Eastern Bluebird 2 American Robin 27 American Tree Sparrow 38 Song Sparrow 69 Dark-eyed Junco 2 Northern Cardinal 4 Red-winged Blackbird 107 Rusty Blackbird 4 Common Grackle 74 Brown-headed Cowbird 5 House Finch 2 American Goldfinch 14
Haha, Slags might be able to play basketball if he ever put down his bins. Its nice to bird with him because I can ask him what he sees over top of the cattails and I can walk in front of him and not get in his way since he can see over my head just fine.
It's always so strange for me looking at pics of Long-eared Owls taken in North America: over here, they have orange eyes, not yellow...hmm, anyone done genetic analysis, or compared vocalisations? The pattern of the underparts looks slightly unusual as well compared to our birds here.
Yeah, Harry, I had the same reaction to seeing European photos of LEOW- they look strange and 'unnatural' with those orange eyes and paler plumage.
Skye, yeah it was a very nice suprise for sure. I certainly wasn't expecting it, but will take it non-the-less! It's one of those species I had pursued (and missed) a couple of times since moving to MI from NC 3 years ago. So it was satisfying to finally get it and especially so in the manner of having found it myself!
This was a blast. I haven't laughed so hard in a LONG time! Today my abdominal muscles hurt! Besides Curtis's LEOW, the most memorable scene was a lanky crane of a guy running around in tights with bins. Slogger you kill!
and oh yeah, our eBird checklist:
ReplyDeleteLocation: Muskegon SGA (Big Cedar Creek)
Observation date: 3/22/10
Notes: 1 white-winged gull seen (tallied as part of 'gull sp'). Rick Brigham, Curtis Dykstra, and Dave Slager. Paddled by kayak from River Rd bridge to US-31 (Creston Rd) takeout.
Number of species: 42
Canada Goose 15
Mute Swan 1
Wood Duck 25
Mallard 13
Common Goldeneye 2
Hooded Merganser 21
Wild Turkey 4
Turkey Vulture 4
Bald Eagle 5
Red-shouldered Hawk 1
Red-tailed Hawk 6
Rough-legged Hawk 2
Sandhill Crane 10
Ring-billed Gull 8
gull sp. 7
Rock Pigeon 11
Mourning Dove 3
Long-eared Owl 1
Red-bellied Woodpecker 15
Downy Woodpecker 7
Hairy Woodpecker 3
Northern Flicker 3
Pileated Woodpecker 5
Blue Jay 11
American Crow 6
Black-capped Chickadee 16
Tufted Titmouse 15
White-breasted Nuthatch 11
Brown Creeper 6
Winter Wren 1
Golden-crowned Kinglet 2
Eastern Bluebird 2
American Robin 27
American Tree Sparrow 38
Song Sparrow 69
Dark-eyed Junco 2
Northern Cardinal 4
Red-winged Blackbird 107
Rusty Blackbird 4
Common Grackle 74
Brown-headed Cowbird 5
House Finch 2
American Goldfinch 14
Nice, a dozen birds on that list would be welcomed in my yard.
ReplyDeleteNice egg-sack Caleb -- when do you expect it to hatch?
Slagger is a tall fella isn't he? You got game?
congrats Curtis- there is no better lifebird than one that is self-found
ReplyDeleteHaha, Slags might be able to play basketball if he ever put down his bins. Its nice to bird with him because I can ask him what he sees over top of the cattails and I can walk in front of him and not get in his way since he can see over my head just fine.
ReplyDeleteKapstick- yeah, pregnancy is rough and I am ready to pop. Plus, I am really stylin with my man skirt, aren't I? You know you like it.
ReplyDeleteIt's always so strange for me looking at pics of Long-eared Owls taken in North America: over here, they have orange eyes, not yellow...hmm, anyone done genetic analysis, or compared vocalisations? The pattern of the underparts looks slightly unusual as well compared to our birds here.
ReplyDeleteYeah, Harry, I had the same reaction to seeing European photos of LEOW- they look strange and 'unnatural' with those orange eyes and paler plumage.
ReplyDeleteSkye, yeah it was a very nice suprise for sure. I certainly wasn't expecting it, but will take it non-the-less! It's one of those species I had pursued (and missed) a couple of times since moving to MI from NC 3 years ago. So it was satisfying to finally get it and especially so in the manner of having found it myself!
ReplyDeleteThis was a blast. I haven't laughed so hard in a LONG time! Today my abdominal muscles hurt! Besides Curtis's LEOW, the most memorable scene was a lanky crane of a guy running around in tights with bins. Slogger you kill!